Projects List

The project list is the first screen you see when you launch Previs Pro. It's also the home of all your projects.

  1. Here are all your projects. Press and drag to reorder your projects.
  2. Select the Videos tab to visit our Learn Previs Pro section for video tutorials.
  3. This ? icon takes you to this support page.
  4. Press the + icon to start a new project.
  5. Press the ellipsis to enter Settings where you can edit Preferences, Contact Us, and Back Up Projects.

Press the Select link to select one or multiple projects

When you've selected one or more projects different options appear.

  1. Duplicate a project. Duplicating a project is a great way to keep one as a project for experiments and try various ideas without any concern.
  2. The trash can icon deletes your project.
  3. The save and share icon lets you share your project or save it to your device.

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